IMPACT. Young people and life skills today. How can contribute from the Public Youth Services? 37th Local Youth Policies Annual Conference. October, 25th
Barcelona, Espai Francesca Bonnemaison - Palau Alòs - Casal Pou de la Figuera
PROGRAM (Versión en CASTELLANO / versió en CATALÀ)
09:00h Registration
09:15h Institutional welcome speech
Francesc Poch Ros, director general of the Catalan Youth Agency. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Javier Silva Pérez, delegated delegate of Youth. Diputació de Barcelona.
09:30h Self-esteem, the cornerstone for the construction of personal autonomy, Jaume Funes Artiaga. Pedagogue, journalist and writer.
10:10h Art in the process of learning about life. New guide fem tec! to cultivate self-esteem, Eva Navarro Campanera, Department of Visual and Plastic Education UB and coauthor of the guide.
10:50h Coffee break
11:20h Life skills today, Eduard Vallory. Director of the Escola Nova 21 program and president of the Unesco Center of Catalonia.
12:00h The EntreComp entrepreneurship concept, Elin McCallum, Director of the Bantani Education.
12:40h The accompaniment in the uncertainty. How do we guide young people towards an unknown future? Round-table.
13:30h Lunch
14:30h Promoting youth entrepreneurship from the point of view of... (simultaneous workshops)
- The economy of the common good, Asociación Jóvenes Solidarios (Spain)
- Sustainability of the project, Bridging to the future (United Kingdom)
- Creativity, Akademia Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna de Lodz (Poland)
- The business simulation, Câmara Municipal de Estarreja (Portugal)
- The competences for life, Oficina del Pla Jove (Catalunya)
- Entrepreneur Gimkana, El despertador
Access to the workshop's description (doc)
16:15h A proposal for the assessment of entrepreneurial skills. Results of the IMPACT project. Carme Ruíz Bueno and Antoni Navío Gàmez (UAB), Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna.
17:00h End of conference speech.
Facilitators: Pep Garcia Pascual i Mireia Cirera Pintó
There will be simultaneous translation service
Inscritptions: opj.formacio@diba.cat
@joventutdiba #37JornadaPPLLJ #IMPACT_Entrepreneurship